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flavicrus Hansson

Pediobius flavicrus Hansson, antenna lateral, female.

Pediobius flavicrus Hansson, head frontal, female.

Pediobius flavicrus Hansson, thoracic dorsum, female.

Original description

Hansson, C. 2002. Eulophidae of Costa Rica, 1. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 67:156.




Scape, pedicel and legs pale (yellowish-brown); apical claval segment long, 3.3X as long as wide; meshes of reticulation on midlobe of mesoscutum large (8-9 meshes from anterior to posterior margin of mesoscutum); scutellum with elongate meshes, smooth in posterior 1/3; posterior margin of dorsellum tridentate; propodeum with a narrow median groove, submedian carinae weak; petiole 1.3X as long as wide; first gastral tergite smooth.


Costa Rica.




Depository of primary type

Holotype female in Natural History Museum (BMNH), London, England.